Has anyone ever set a list of New Year’s resolutions and one month in you give them up completely?

Well, that’s me! I did that every single year and this year I felt like I needed a change. Of course, I still told myself I want to lose weight and eat better but I decided to take a big leap instead. My 2017 resolution was to stop letting fear rule my life.

For those that know me personally know that “fear” is a frequently used word in my vocabulary. When I chose my resolution I had this one scripture in front of me and I knew what God wanted me to do. “Don’t be afraid. Only Believe.” Mark 5:36

I’m happy to report that I’ve taken two big steps toward my resolution, I joined a bible study and I started going to the gym by myself. Those two things were huge for me, I can’t lie, I did have doubts and still question going everyday but I can gladly report that I’m still going.

Lucky for me the bible study I joined is about the Sabbath and enjoying the margin you place in your life. This bible study is called “Breathe” by Priscilla Shirer and it is amazing, I honestly needed this study more than anything.

Also, to help on my new journey one of my friends gave me a great book called Present over Perfect  by Shauna Niequist. This book helps me get over the guilt of saying “no” and helps me understand that slow is better. For anyone that needs help with trusting God and living day by day you need this book!

I’m so lucky to have the friends and family that have supported me in this journey of living my life differently. This blog is also a part of my resolution, fear is what caused me to stop writing, I was afraid people were judging me or that I sounded dumb, but no longer am I going to pretend that I don’t like blogging.

I’m so happy I’m back to blogging and I plan to be real with my followers about my failures and my successes, I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading my blog, you have no idea how much it means to me!